I have had an SLR since I was in high school (way back when you had to load film into them!), took dark room processing classes, and worked in a one-hour photo lab processing other peoples images… so you could say I have a few years under my belt with a camera. I have always brought that camera with me on every vacation and family event since I picked one up, but I never had the courage to put strangers in front of the lens. Well… then I had my daughter, and I knew that I had to show her to chase her dreams, so I put my money where my mouth is, and for the first time ever, I advertised looking for clients!

Randi and Jeremiah were my second ever customers, and I was shaky, nervous, and the session didn’t go 100% to plan (it was a cake smash for their then one-year old babe, and she wanted NOTHING to do with the cake – isn’t that always the way?), but they were gracious and forgiving, and we had a good number of laughs. I have captured their family quite a few times now, including the birth of their second beautiful daughter, but this session… this one was special. Randi and I had discussed doing a lupine session last year, but timing wasn’t on our side, and I’m so happy to have had the opportunity to do it this year! The weather was amazing, the flowers were beautiful, and the girls were so much fun!

In short – thank you to this beautiful family for being steadfast supporters of mine, and coming along with me on this journey. I can’t thank them enough for trusting in my vision, and inviting me into their lives as the “storyteller of life”.
For more information on my family session, please click here.